We’ve all been there before. When we find ourselves lusting after an item, or multiple items, thinking that owning these items is going to make you happy. In fact, even in the moment, we may think that now owning these items is going to make us feel better, happier or more fulfilled. But the feeling
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Zen Instagram Accounts Zen Instagram Accounts: If you want to really inspire your Zenful Spirit and bring some positive change to your life, there are a few different ways you can do it. However, you may be surprised to find that one of the easiest and most effective ways to inspire this part of your
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Athletes Who Meditate As we’ve all seen time and time again, professional athletes who have the almost super-human ability to push their bodies to the edge and reach the peak of physical performance within their sport. However, if you ask any athlete, chances are they will tell you that a majority of their success is
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We all have that inner critic, that voice inside of our heads that tells us we’re not good enough, strong enough or successful enough. It is that nagging voice that tries to bring you down—and sometimes it succeeds. It is completely normal and healthy to have a critic. However, if you spend too much time
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Stress Relief and Meditation People have been meditating for thousands of years and while many people have different reasons for starting this ancient practice, there is no denying that it can come with a number of different benefits. While people long ago may have started meditating as part of developing their spirituality , today, many
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Emotionally Intelligent People Emotionally intelligent people have a very unique advantage in our world today. While some people may not value the power of emotional intelligence, or even really understand what it is, emotionally intelligent people have such an advantage not only when it comes to understanding their own emotions but the emotions of others
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Eckhardt Tolle Quotes Eckhardt Tolle, most known for being the author of the New York Times Best-Seller “The Power of Now” is known for being one of the most influential spiritual authors of our time. If you want to be inspired by his thoughts on spirituality, mindfulness and living in the now, then these quotes
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10 Surprising Health Benefits of Meditation For centuries people from all walks of life have been practicing the simple art of meditation. For those who have never tried meditation before it may seem almost too simple, as though you are doing nothing but sitting in silence. However, in reality, meditation is one of the most
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What if someone told you that you could change your entire life with just 15 minutes a day. Chances are you would want to know how and want to know what this quick secret is to transforming your life for the better. Well, there is a way, and it is through the simple art of
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In life, one of the few good things that we can really practice is having a sense of compassion. There are certain things that come naturally to some people and certain tendencies that can be difficult to change, but being more compassionate is something that you can actually work on. One of the great things
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