trust your intuition

How to Trust Your Intuition

We’ve all heard that old sage piece of advice, often delivered when we are trying to make a difficult decision. “Just trust your intuition.” It is a common piece of advice, but it is one that is often more difficult to follow than it seems. While we all know what people are saying when they
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manipulative people

How to Deal With Manipulative People

While many of us can have our own manipulative tendencies dealing with manipulative people can be tough, particularly when we are looking to get something that we want—there are certain people who simply are manipulative at their core. And when these manipulative individuals are having a negative impact on your life—it is important that you
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history of meditation

The History of Meditation

While many people are familiar with meditation, they aren’t familiar with how wide-reaching this practice really is and just how far back the history of meditation dates. In our society today, meditation is an extremely common practice and one that has helped millions of people find inner peace in their lives. So, where exactly does
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55 Zen Quotes to Calm Your Mind

Sometimes, something as simple as reading and really listening to the right inspirational zen quotes can make all of the difference in your quality of life. If you are looking for some powerful Zen quotes that will help you calm your mind, then we have 55 truly outstanding quotes for you to consider. What Zen
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