Mindfulness, it is a term that many hear about when it comes to meditation, and one that you have probably been told about in the past. In a way, mindfulness can be a rather vague term and one that can be simplified as “being mindful of the world around you.” Whether you are familiar with
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If you have ever found yourself overwhelmed by the demands of your job and wished you were able to step away, relax and unwind for a moment, taking a meditation break probably seems like a great solution. Unfortunately, most companies do not offer their employees the opportunity to just get up and meditate in peace
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Mastering the art of mindfulness can be a powerful way to transform your life. It can help you gain a new perspective on the world around you, help you get in touch with your emotions and feelings and help you find the balance that you are looking for in your day-to-day. However, one of the
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In today’s society, it has become increasingly easy to fall victim to the draws of materialism. With the ideal of valuing material objects being more and more prevalent in our world today, many people find they accidentally become obsessed with material objects. It can be hard to break away from this type of draw. However,
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Practicing the art of mindfulness is a great way to bring balance and clarity to your life and to the lives of those around you. While millions of adults have found great benefit in practicing mindfulness in their everyday lives, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t some great benefits of mindfulness for children as well.
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Most people would agree, if there was a way to stop, or reverse, the aging process and to stay young forever, they would probably take it. However, there is no real proven way to keep yourself young as time passes on. While you may not be able to actually stop the aging process, there are
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The ancient practice of yoga has been around for hundreds of years, and over the past few decades, has seen a recent resurgence in popularity. While yoga may be a part of popular culture today and extremely common among practitioners of all types, there are still a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings about yoga. In
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Anxiety is a very real and very overwhelming condition that impacts millions of people today. If you have ever dealt with anxiety or know someone who has, then you know how seemingly hopeless it can feel when you are faced with anxiety. The good news is, there are actually ways that you can overcome anxiety
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For most people today, stress has become an unfortunate part of their everyday lives. Stress is often unavoidable. We can’t control what is going on in the world around us, or the different triggers that may ultimately cause us to feel stress. When it comes to living with stress, it’s not about eliminating it or
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In so many situations, being able to truly forgive another who has transgressed you can be one of the most challenging obstacles you can face. Simply saying you forgive someone or acting like you forgive them only goes so far. It is the true art of real, honest forgiveness that challenges so many. Being able
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