10 Surprising Health Benefits of Meditation For centuries people from all walks of life have been practicing the simple art of meditation. For those who have never tried meditation before it may seem almost too simple, as though you are doing nothing but sitting in silence. However, in reality, meditation is one of the most
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What if someone told you that you could change your entire life with just 15 minutes a day. Chances are you would want to know how and want to know what this quick secret is to transforming your life for the better. Well, there is a way, and it is through the simple art of
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In life, one of the few good things that we can really practice is having a sense of compassion. There are certain things that come naturally to some people and certain tendencies that can be difficult to change, but being more compassionate is something that you can actually work on. One of the great things
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When it comes to finding a sense of inner peace and self-understanding, one of the best things that you can do is to take some time to meditate. There are so many studies that have found the unique benefits of regular meditation and how much they can transform both your physical and mental well-being. However,
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No matter how hard we try to avoid it, or try to plan our lives out perfectly so that stress doesn’t creep in, there is no real way to completely avoid stress. Work can be overwhelming. Family can be overwhelming. Life itself can be overwhelming. There is no way around it. When stress hits we
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As many people today know, there are so many different ways to be “intelligent.” Some people are book smart, others are geniuses at reading people, some are sales mavens while others have a high level of what is known as emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EI) is one of those unique forms of “smarts” that helps
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There are so many people today who have discovered the power of meditation and the changes that it can have on their lives. Meditation can help individuals with stress and anxiety, it can help them find a sense of spirituality and some studies have even found that it can help with a number of health
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We all want to find happiness in our lives. While the idea of true happiness may mean different things to different people, there are so many people who simply feel as though they aren’t as happy as they want to be. More importantly, they aren’t as happy as they want to be and they don’t
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Most people would agree, if it were entirely up to them, they would have absolutely no negative energy in their lives. Unfortunately for most people, this isn’t entirely possible. Many times, negative energy finds its way into our lives no matter how badly we want to keep our environment positive. When this does happen, it
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With so many things going on in our lives today, it can be extremely difficult to get caught up in the stress of the past or the promise of the future. However, there is nothing that can be done to erase the past, nor is there anything that you can do in order to fully
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