In today’s hyper-connected world, we are bombarded with news updates, social media feeds, and a never-ending cycle of headlines, many of which are filled with negativity. Whether it’s political turmoil, global crises, or economic uncertainty, the constant influx of bad news can be overwhelming, leaving us stressed, anxious, and emotionally drained. The good news is
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How to Lower Your Blood Pressure With Meditation High blood pressure. It is a serious condition that impacts millions of people from all different backgrounds. High blood pressure has no symptoms, but it is very serious. It can cause issue like stroke or heart disease. High blood pressure is anything above 140/90. High blood pressure
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Lower Cortisol Cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone” is one of the most powerful hormones in the body, and it has a very important job to do. This hormone helps your body deal with stressful situations and is responsible for the “fight or flight” system to respond to stress. The goal is ultimately to
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Stress at work. For many people it seems like it’s just a part of life. In fact, research has revealed that anywhere from 30-40% of Americans feel “extremely stressed at work.” However, work-related stress can really take over your life if you aren’t careful. Workplace stress can disrupt your overall quality of life, make it
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Meditation for weight loss: If you aren’t already practicing regular mediation, then you may find that adding this practice to your routine can come with a number of benefits. For centuries, people have used meditation to help with everything from focus to stress and everything in between. However, experts today are finding even more benefits
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Have you always wanted to give meditation a try? While the practice has been around for centuries, it is one that is new to many individuals. If you have been contemplating meditation, but aren’t quite sure if it is the right practice for you, then it is time to start exploring the benefits of meditation
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Let’s talk about a one minute mindfulness tune up. We’ve all been there before. We become so ingrained in our mindfulness practice that we think we have everything down. We think we are practicing mindfulness on a regular basis and we are convinced that we are constantly living in a mindful and aware space. Then
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When you create a nighttime routine, you can help soothe anxiety. There are millions of people today who are dealing with real, serious cases of anxiety. If you have ever dealt with anxiety, you know that it can completely take over your life and make even the smallest of things become extremely overwhelming—especially sleep. In
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40 Day Meditation Practice If you are looking for a major change in your life, then I highly recommend a 40-day meditation practice. At first glance, this sounds like a lot of commitment, and it is. But it is completely manageable. A 40-day meditation practice isn’t a full, non-stop 40 day practice, but instead involves
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Are you having trouble staying focused at work? When we aren’t in a mindful state at work, it not only hinders our productivity, but can also cause a state of stress, chaos and feelings of overwhelm by the responsibilities of the day. We’ve all been there before. We spend most of the day staring at
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