The Rolling Stones famously sang “you can’t always get what you want”. However, for many of us, getting what we want is a secondary concern. First and foremost, we’re working on trying to figure out what it is that we want. In a world where it’s difficult enough to figure out what type of coffee
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We’ve all felt it: That tiny voice in our head that weighs us down and tells us we aren’t good enough, that voice that tells us to turn back and carry on with the status quo. That nagging voice that says everyone is watching and judging you. The truth is your biggest critic is yourself.
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Are you familiar with the concept of emotional intelligence? In a nutshell, the term refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as those of others. Basically, this means having the “intelligence” and awareness to observe that our emotions can affect our behavior and affect others, just as
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There are plenty of ways to be a mindful eater without having to fast or be a fully robed monk. In our day and age it can be a challenge when we are bombarded with endless lists of must-have superfoods, celebrity dietitians and friendly know-it-alls. Â While most of our attention is focused on what we
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There is a famous saying which goes “be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Sometimes, this is easier said than done. In a society that promotes conformism, it can sometimes be difficult to break out of the mold to be your authentic self. Unfortunately, not living authentically has its own downsides; the more you fight
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Everyone feels “lost” every now and again: out of touch with themselves and others, and feeling rudderless in the world. Often, this feeling is the result of a strenuous workload, a personal loss, or life change, but sometimes it’s for no particular reason that you can identify. For those times when you feel this
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There are about 1 million and one “must read books” out there. Which makes the task of finding a good book to read exhausting. It’s easy to get lost an Amazon or a bookstore when you’re looking for that one book that suits your mood, because moods are fleeting and can change from day to day,
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“Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream…” These words were sung more than 50 years ago, by the most popular music group of all time: the Beatles. At the time, they were largely singing to the youth-in-revolt, the hippies and activists of the 1960s who rejected mainstream consumer culture, and opted instead to start
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One of the central concepts of Buddhist philosophy is the notion of attachment, or clinging. Upadana is a word from ancient Pali and Sanskrit, which is usually translated as attachment, grasping, or clinging – but it’s literal meaning is “fuel.” This relates to the metaphor of the mind as being like a fire: burning, consuming,
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The ultimate goal of all spiritual practice is to transcend the ego, and awaken to your true Self. Throughout human history, many masters and teachers have developed many different ways and methods of approaching the problem – but there is none more direct than self-inquiry. Other methods often involve fixing the attention on the breath,
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