The art of journaling has been around for a long time. Throughout history, journaling has helped many people record their thoughts, hone their writing skills and find a sense of inner peace and understanding. Journals have also been turned into some of the most important pieces of literature we have today. There are so many
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work balance
I want you to take a deep breath and say one word aloud to yourself, “ say no.” That’s all you need to say. “No” is such a simple word, but it is one that so many people have issues with. It can be hard to say “no”, particularly in our world today where so
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Stress at work. For many people it seems like it’s just a part of life. In fact, research has revealed that anywhere from 30-40% of Americans feel “extremely stressed at work.” However, work-related stress can really take over your life if you aren’t careful. Workplace stress can disrupt your overall quality of life, make it
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