10 Ways to Find Joy in Mundane Tasks

We all have those mundane tasks that seem to take up a large space in our lives. Maybe its doing laundry, or the dishes. Maybe it is sitting in traffic on the way to work. Different people have different responsibilities that they may classify as mundane. What may seem relaxing and therapeutic to one person may seem completely boring and mundane to someone else. 

How to Find Joy in the Mundane

Think about the one tasks that you find to be the most mundane. Maybe it’s paper work or maybe its carpool line. No matter what it is, think about the tasks that you truly don’t find any joy in. Maybe you have even come to dread that task. Keep this activity in the forefront of your mind.

Whatever your personal mundane tasks are, just remember, they don’t have to be this negative part of your life. Sure, you’re not going to be able to make cleaning toilets as fun as sitting on the beach with a cocktail, but there are ways that you can shift your perspective. There are ways that you can find joy in even the most mundane of tasks. 

Here are ten of our top picks to help you find joy in the mundane things that make up your life. You may be surprised by how a little change in attitude and intention can completely shift the way that you experience these tasks and how you think about them as well.

eating meditation

Turn the Task into a Personal Challenge

Simply put, make a game out of it! For example, if your task was folding the laundry, set a timer for yourself. See how fast you can get this chore done. Maybe you even document it or write it down to track your time. It may be a silly way to shift your perspective, but it is an approach that truly works.

Make it a Mantra

If your personal mundane task is really getting you down or really getting in the way of your day-to-day life, make changing your mindset one of your mantras. Use this mantra regularly and see how it changes your attitude.

Combine the Good With the Bad

Combine the most mundane task you have in your life, with an enjoyable one. It can completely change the way that you think about it. For example, if cleaning the bathroom is your one dreaded mundane task, combine it with listening to your favorite podcast. In fact, don’t listen to your favorite podcast that week unless you are cleaning your bathroom. Chances are, you will quickly want to start grabbing the scrub brush.

Focus on The Big Picture

Why are you cleaning your kids’ school uniforms again? Because their clean school uniforms is how they get a great education! Think about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and these tasks won’t see more menial. 

Start focusing more on the why of what you’re doing and that ask will seem much more meaningful.

Don’t Put it Off

Sometimes, we let ourselves get too caught up in how much we don’t want to do these mundane tasks, that we tend to put them off and drag things out when it comes to doing them. Trust me, the more you put that unwanted chore off, the worse it will seem and the mores stressful the build up will be. If you want to find more joy in these things, stop putting them off.

Practice Mindfulness While You Do It

Being more mindful is a great way to change your perspective on the world. You may have heard of mindfulness walks, but why not try mindfulness laundry sessions? A mundane task that doesn’t require a lot of attention is a great opportunity to practice your mindfulness.

Have Someone Join You

If you ask for help or ask someone to join you on your tasks, the mundane can all of a sudden be more fun and enjoyable. Instead of waiting to get your oil changed when your wife is out grocery shopping, do that mundane task with someone you enjoy spending time with—and it will quickly seem like less of a chore.

Add Some Music

When in doubt, always add music. If you can put in headphones, or crank your speakers, before, during or after your mundane task, it can completely change how you feel when you’re doing it. Just one song can completely change your mood, so don’t be afraid to pregame cleaning your cat’s litter box with some high-energy tunes.

Pat Yourself On The Back

There are certain tasks that are just not enjoyable, and when you complete them, you shouldn’t be afraid to reward yourself for getting them done. Cleaned the kids’ rooms? Reward yourself with a piece of chocolate. Walked the dog? Give yourself 5 minutes of peace and quiet. Cleaned the bathroom? Treat yourself to a soak in the tub. Reward yourself for getting to the mundane, you deserve it.

Be Grateful For What You Have

If there is one thing that can change how you approach your most mundane tasks, it is gratitude. This is a simple one. Instead of thinking “Man, I can’t believe I have to wash my car again.” Say to yourself “I’m so grateful that I have this car to wash in the first place.”

Put things in perspective and have gratitude for what you have in life and your mind can change forever.

Start with these tips on finding more joy in your everyday tasks. Just think, if you can shift your perspective on the mundane—what other changes can you make with the right attitude? You may start to feel better towards people, places and situations and have a more positive outlook on the things that come your way. You can start to make big differences in your life with small shifts in your outlook. 

All you need to do is start with one mundane thing on your list and you can start seeing the ripple effect it will have in your life moving forward.

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