intention meditation

How to Practice Intention Meditation

Intention Meditation

Intention meditation is such a simple, yet powerful tool, and one that can truly help us all change our lives for the better. In today’s fast-paced, instant-gratification world, meditation can help us slow down, take in what is going on around us and really learn to appreciate our lives. Meditation is also a tool that can help us change for the better—whether we are looking to de-stress, give up bad habits or find new perspective.

buddhism calm

However, in order for your meditation session be truly powerful and to actually change you for the better, you need to learn how to set the right intention for your meditation before you begin. This is the first and most important step in meditating as it will guide and dictate the rest of your session and help you make sure that your meditation session is a productive one.


So, What Exactly Is A Intention Meditation ?

A meditation intention is like a road map of where you want to go with your meditation. It is your outline to what you want your meditation to do, include and achieve.

An intention will also help you use your meditation as a way to manifest your goals—and to bring them to fruition. It will act as the driving force behind your meditation so that it can actually facilitate the positive change that you want it to.

If you are able to focus your mind on a specific intention during your meditation—you are bringing it to the forefront of your heart, your mind and your spirit and helping to bring that intention to reality.

An intention is not a mantra. While the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they are actually quite different.

An intention is more about how you want to feel during your practice. A mantra, on the other hand, is just a sound or phrase that you repeat in your meditation. An intention is more complex than that—and is more than just a single word or phrase.

stress relief and meditation

Example of Intention Meditation

If you have never set an intention for your meditation before—there is no better time to start. Chances are, if you have been meditating without an intention before this—if you start adding intentions now, you will find your sessions are more focused and you may find that you are getting more out of them.

Here are a few sample meditation intentions that you can set in order to get you started in the right direction. Of course, you can tweak these meditation intentions as-needed to fit your life and your goals.

  • I intend to naturally manifest happiness in my life.
  • I intend to lead by example for others.
  • I intend to let negativity roll off my back.
  • I intend to allow myself to be vulnerable.
  • I intend to forgive those who have hurt me.
  • I intend to be open to success.
  • I intend to make time for myself every day.
  • I intend to embrace change.
  • I intend to find balance in my life.
  • I intend to make healthier decisions for myself.
  • I intend to love fully and unconditionally.
  • I intend to do something for others.

These don’t have to be your intentions, but they are great examples of intentions that you can use during your meditation.

Some people are good at setting their intentions long ahead of time, while others simply wait until they are about ready to meditate in order to set their intentions. Sometimes sitting comfortably, taking a deep breath in and allowing the intention to come to you is a great first start. You can see what comes to you in that moment and what you feel as though you really need to focus on at that time.

When you choose an intention, you should just choose one, and write it out. Let that plant the seed for the meditation ahead of you and keep it in your thoughts as you meditate. This is the best way to see results from your efforts.

ancient meditation

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Setting Your Intention Meditation

The intention that you set for meditation is extremely important as it will dictate exactly how your meditation goes. When it comes to deciding what intention you should put forth, a great place to start is by asking yourself a few questions. This includes the following:

  • What matters most to me?
  • What things about myself make me proud?
  • What am I looking to build or nurture in order to make my life better?
  • How do I feel when I am my happiest?
  • What am I looking to let go of?
  • Who do I want to forgive?
  • What am I most grateful for in my life?

These questions can help you put your intentions into perspective and decide upon which intention will work best for you and what you are looking to achieve.

Tips on Setting Your Own Intention Meditation

One of the first and most important things to remember when setting a meditation is that you actually have to believe in the intention that you set. If you try to force an intention or set one that doesn’t really matter to you—then you won’t find the same success.

There is no such thing as a wrong intention—as long as you feel like it is pushing you, positively in a direction you want to take your life—it is the right type of intention.

You must start with the goal of finding an intention that will actually motivate you and one that you believe in and are passionate about. From there, you can use these tips to come up with a powerful intention that you really want to use to guide your meditation.

  1. Always Set a Positive Intention- This is one of the first rules of intention-setting, and one that unfortunately, many people don’t follow. You need to make sure that you are setting a positive intention or putting a positive spin on it. Don’t let any negativity creep into the intentions that you set.


  1. Set Short-Term Intentions- When it comes to setting intentions for your meditations, try to think in short-term segments. It can still be part of your bigger goals for your life, but you want your intentions to be short, powerful statements that you can actually see come to fruition. Before you set your intention stop and think about what you actually need in that moment.


  1. …But Don’t Forget About the Long-Term- You want to set short intentions that are part of your bigger goals, so when you make these intentions, think of them as stepping stones towards what you really want out of life. Your intentions should be able to grow and change with you.


  1. Remember They Should be Intentions, Not Goals- Your goals are going to drive what intentions you set for yourself, but you need to remember there is a difference between intentions and goals. When you set your intention, there is no required result, it is about making a positive change that can ultimately benefit you and help you reach the goals that you set.

Setting an intention for meditation will create a roadmap for your meditation and help it be more successful and more productive. Chances are, with the right intentions guiding your meditations, you will start to get even more out of your practice and even more out of your life.

How to Use Your Intentions Over Time

A lot of intention setting is about the short-term and about what you need currently at a certain moment in your life—but they can still be part of a bigger goal. If you want to see how your intentions are really working and how they are changing you for the better—keep a meditation journal.

If you write about what your intentions are over time and see how they change, you can see how you are growing through meditation. You may notice that something you felt needed to be an intention months ago may suddenly not seem important any longer when you are meditating regularly.

You can use your intentions to not only track your growth but to stay focused n your own journey of how these intentions are shaping your life and getting your closer to the things that you want to achieve.

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